Mission and Organization

The Center for Biblical Studies is organized as a department of scientific research of the Babeș-
Bolyai University.

The main research areas include:

  • Patristic and modern hermeneutics
  • OT exegesis (Torah, prophets)
  • NT exegesis (Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, Pastorals)
  • Biblical theology
  • Interferences between biblical, systematic and ecumenical theology

Research and publishing is mainly carried out by the biblical scholars of the four (Orthodox,
Greek Catholic, Roman Catholic, Reformed) Theological Faculties of the Babes-Bolyai

Research implies collaboration with other scholars from Romania (Bucharest, Sibiu, Alba Iulia,
Iasi, Oradea) and abroad. The Center has close connections with the Romanian Biblical Society.

One of the priorities of the Center is the international co-operation. Outstanding international
scholars are among the members and collaborators of the Center.

A special attention is given to the interdisciplinary, inter-religious and ecumenical character of
the activities.

The Center is also involved in postgraduate training, encouraging the research performed by MA and PhD students.

A developing library provides resources for researchers and students.

Activities are financed by the Babes-Bolyai University, as well as from grants and sponsorships.